
Benefits to your Agency header 18 Benefits for the Employed Header 18
Bullet15x15 Save money on the competitive bid process Bullet15x15 Train for competitive employment.
Bullet15x15 Save time on the competitive bid process. Bullet15x15 Learn transferable work skills
Bullet15x15 Ability to negotiate specifications and prices before
awarding a contract.
Build self-sufficiency
Engage in meaningful employment.
Bullet15x15 Direct assistance in performance resolution. Bullet15x15 Personal Independence and improved quality of life.
Bullet15x15 Competitive prices and easy access.    


Benefits for Taxpayer Header 18 Benefits for You Header 18
Bullet15x15 Stimulation of economic growth in local communities. Bullet15x15 Save money for the agencies you represent.
Bullet15x15   Reduction in cost of care for Nevadans with disabilities. Bullet15x15 Save yourself valuable time.
Bullet15x15 State and National studies have shown a 10%-35%
savings in governmental support for each dollar spent.
Make your job less complicated.
Make a difference in your community.
Bullet15x15 Increased tax base.    
